Back in November, we ran our second connectivity workshop, this time doing it virtually via zoom. It was great to see so many people show up virtually. What a success!
We went through the different capabilities of the hearing aids and how to pair them to our patient’s devices. We discussed the different ways you can make the most of your hearing aids and connectivity. Our patients learned the different devices they can pair their hearing aids to, including phone, tablet or computer (depending on the model). All hearing aids with Bluetooth capability connect to Apple devices (iPhone or tablet), with the newer models also connecting to some Android devices, but you may also be able to connect to your TV or computer depending on what accessories you’ve got.
Certain hearing aids, such as Phonak Audeo Paradise hearing aids are able to pair directly to your computer. In the time now with most things going virtual because of covid, the direct connections really help. With these Phonak hearing aids, you can have your Zoom or Microsoft Teams meetings or even your family Facetime calls stream directly into your hearing aids. This direct connection will help with the clarity and also eliminate your need to wear headphones over-top.
Our patients learned how to connect their Oticon or Widex hearing aids to their phone or device so that they can stream, phone calls and audiobooks. We also went through the different accessories they may have that allows them to stream tv into the hearing aids.
It was great to see so many people ‘show up’ for the connectivity workshop. They were all engaged and excited to learn what was possible. We look forward to running the workshop again and seeing what new things we, and our patients, can learn!