Once again this year we threw our annual open house event at the clinic. We invited the patients for a clean and check, had some goodies and great company! It wouldn’t be an event without our Widex community joining either. Our rep Christian joined us to mingle with out patients while their technician Masahiro did a great job to make sure our patients were hearing we;; for the holiday season. We had a little raffle to see who could guess the correct number of batteries – what a task that was to count them all. Shoutout to our H.I.S. Alisha and Audiology Assistant Iantha for doing that for us! And we had a great set up of little gifts to hand out to our patients. Just a little something to thank them for all their support (we couldn’t have won Best Hearing clinic in Toronto three years in a row without them!!!).
We hope everyone has a great holiday season and Happy New Year! Thank you for all the support and joining us for our annual open house event!

Don’t forget to check out our Instagram for some more photos from our Open House event! https://www.instagram.com/torontoaudiology/
And contact us to book your appointments today! https://torontoaudiology.com/contact-us/